I’ve been holding EURUSD shorts all week but i can see that if you had the bank and the knowledge then going sort on indices would be great!EUR/USD - 13/03/2020 - I’ve pretty much been selling everything all week
Out of the bull run and looking for further sells.
Think a lot of people putting money into EUR due to negative interest policy from ECB.
Talks of recessions ahead, didn’t expect coronavirus to kick things off, have been moving money into indices trading the last couple of weeks and going for shorts.
Some big moves up for grabs.
How you all trading? Think talks of recession warranted?View attachment 15719
My main concerns are for Europe for now.More sells for now for sure. Be interesting to see the impact on the US economy as it gets worse over there. Read someone estimating there could be as many as 100,000 infected in OH alone! Could trigger more buys.
Dropped right down to the 1.800- mark and has started to start to pull back but i still think its heading south to fill the old gap!EUR/USD - 17/03/2020 - Been in sells since Monday, can’t see anything changing the markets.
Europe taking big hit due to coronavirus while demands for dollar rise.
I’m shorting this as well as a few indices.
How does everyone else feel about this pair? Think we have a week of the same old coming up?View attachment 15750