Market Analysis by Vistabrokers


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Greece Remains Suspended


On Wednesday, EUR/USD dropped in anticipation of the Eurogroup meeting and the discussion of the "Greek problem". In general, the pair remained in the range of 1.1270 - 1.1350, being under pressure from the lack of agreement on the restructuring of Greece's debt. Due to the uncertainty US stock markets were falling. Dow Jones and S & P 500 declined late in the evening, and only Nasdaq rose due to Apple shares. Apple has become the first company worth more than $700 billion.

Vista Brokers analysts say that on the eve of the Eurogroup press conferenc, the market waited. Traders tried to analyze the expression of the euro zone's "first persons" in order to understand what lies beyond Greece. Eurogroup President Jeroen Deysselblum earlier on Wednesday assured that no decision will be accepted at the meeting. The EU Commissioner, Pierre Moscovici insisted that the place of Greece is in the euro zone, and everybody needs to find a compromise. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble gave no specific comments, just saying that Athens is only to decide whether it will remain in the program or not.

As the market has already laid the absence of a decision by Greece in prices, the EUR / USD remained calm after it became known that the Eurogroup had not marked anything concrete. According Deysselblum, during the meeting were held constructive discussions with the Greek authorities, and some progress has been achieved. However, it is too little to say about the general solution.

Analysts remind that negotiations will be continued on the next scheduled meeting of the Eurogroup on February 16. Perhaps, then, some sort of statement will be made.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Market Pulse 12.02


Today, the economic calendar is saturated with important information. Early in the morning data on the labor market in Australia has already been published. The EU economic summit and the European Council meeting may clarify some points for Greece. Bank of England's inflation report will likely impact on the pound, and weekly data on unemployment claims in the United States - on the dollar.

10:00 ** Industrial Production - December (euro zone)

Moderate impact on the market (EUR). Growth or exceeding the forecast is often favorable for the currency, but in conditions of increased volatility due to worries about Greece, the market can ignore this data.

10:30 *** BOE Governor Mark Carney Speaks - February
10:30 *** BOE Inflation Report - February
10:30 ** BOE Inflation Letter - February

Strong impact on the market (GPB). The BOE inflation report and inflation letter will attract a market's attention, because the inflation rate is one of the landmarks of the central bank's monetary policy. Investors await from the Bank of England some hints that interest rates may be raised.

12:00 ** ECB President Mario Draghi Speaks - February (euro zone)

Moderate impact on the market (EUR). Given that the ECB has recently launched an ambitious program of quantitative easing, nobody expects Draghi hints at new measures of economy stimulation. Thus the head of the European regulator may comment on inflation and economic growth and this, of course, will affect the euro.

13:30 *** Retail Sales - January (USA)
13:30 *** Core Retail Sales - January (USA)
13:30 ** Retail Sales Excluding Auto & Gas - January (USA)
13:30 *** Unemployment Claims - February (USA)
13:30 ** Continuing Claims - January (USA)

Strong impact on the market (USD). Recently, information on the US labor market is extremely optimistic and some new positive data can provide significant support to the dollar. With regard to the volume of retail sales in January, analysts expect lower indices.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Yen Rises Amid Uncertainty in Greece


During the Asian session on Thursday the yen rose against its major counterparts, supported by demand for risk-free assets. Vista Brokers analysts note that the uncertainty in Greece remains, as at yesterday's Eurogroup meeting was not made any decisions. After six-hour talks euro zone finance ministers pledged to continue the constructive dialogue with representatives of the IMF and the ECB later, so the "Greek problem" still continues to put pressure on markets.

Recall that the current loan agreement with Greece ends on February 28, and the new government flatly refuses to renew it, demanding renegotiation of agreement on austerity measures and reforms. The next round of negotiations will be held on February 16.

Amid this the euro fell to 136.06 yen from 136.53 on Wednesday and to 1.1309 dollars from 1.1336. The US dollar fell from 120.47 to 120.26 yen. The Australian dollar fell to 90.05 yen from 92.97. An additional pressure on the Aussie had the labor market data, published in the night from Wednesday to Thursday. Thus, the unemployment rate in Australia rose significantly stronger than expected to 6.4% vs. 6.2% (13-year highs). The number of employees was also greatly reduced - by 12.2 thousand instead of the expected 4.7 thousand. It has reinforced investors' expectations of further RBA monetary policy easing.

Analysts say that the growth of the Japanese yen against the US dollar was limited by the fact that today the market is expected important US statistics, which can once again confirm the recovery of the US economy. These are retail sales and unemployment claims.

Although demand for the yen was caused rather by safe asset searching than positive on Japan, we note that on the eve was published statistics in core machinery orders. In December, these orders increased by 8.3%, well above the 2.3% expected by analysts. Despite the fact that this index is very volatile, it is considered as an indicator of companies' capital investment in Japan, so its growth is favorable.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Market Pulse 13.02


On Friday, European countries will publish preliminary data on changes in GDP. In the afternoon, the market's attention will draw data on manufacturing sales in Canada and the University of Michigan consumer sentiment index in the United States.

7:00 *** Prelim GDP - Q4 (Germany)
9:00 ** Prelim GDP - Q4 (Italy)
10:00 ** Prelim GDP - Q4 (Greece)
10:00 *** Prelim GDP - Q4 (euro zone)

Strong impact on the market (EUR). Preliminary GDP data could put pressure on the single currency, as in many countries, as well as in the euro area, growth expected to be very weak. In Italy, analysts expect lower annual rate.

10:00 ** Trade Balance - December (euro zone)

Moderate impact on the market (EUR). The trade balance is the difference between the value of exported and imported goods. Growth or exceeded forecast is positive for the currency.

13:30 *** Manufacturing Sales - December (Canada)

Strong impact on the market (CAD). Volumes of industrial supplies in Canada are falling, and it's a bad sign for the national currency. In December, analysts expect a new index drop, this time by 0.9%.

13:30 ** Import Prices - January (USA)

Moderate impact on the market (USD). Changes in prices of imported goods for the month. May be an early warning sign of inflationary trends change, or their confirmation.

15:00 *** Prelim UoM Consumer Sentiment - February (USA)

Strong impact on the market (USD). Recently, the American statistics often gives pleasant surprises. Possible, the University of Michigan index will also show in February more significant growth than the market expects. In this case, the dollar may receive additional support.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Euro Respites amid Weak US Data


On Thursday, the US dollar was down against the yen and the euro after the release of disappointing US statistics. Vista Brokers analysts note that the data which were much weaker than forecasts indicate that the US economic recovery is not balanced yet. And this, in turn, casts doubt on this year tightening of monetary policy by the Federal Reserve.

So, in January retail sales in the US fell by 0.8% vs. expected 0.4%. Excluding auto sales index fell by 0.9% vs. 0.4%, while sales excluding cars and fuel rose by 0.2% vs. 0.4%.

In addition, during a week the number of unemployment claims in the United States rose by 25,000 to 304,000, higher than the forecast 290 000. For the dollar it was a serious blow. Immediately after the release of statistics the US currency fell from 119.70 to 119.44 yen. Euro against the dollar rose to 1.1358 dollars from 1.1331 earlier and continued the upward movement.

Analysts say that for the euro it is only a temporary break in the long-term downtrend. The fate of Greece is still unresolved and this will put pressure on the single currency as long as this question remains critical. The next round of talks on Greece will be on Monday.

It is worth noting another important Thursday's occasion. The Sweden's central bank has unexpectedly introduced negative interest rates on deposits for commercial banks (-0.1%) and announced that it would spend 10 billion Swedish crowns (1 billion euros) to purchase government bonds with maturities of up to 5 years. After that, the Swedish krona fell against the dollar to a minimum since April 2009.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Stock Markets Rise amid Ukraine Ceasefire


On Thursday the US index S & P 500 has reached its highest level this year, and the Nasdaq index has reached its fifteen-year maximum. European indices also showed significant growth. On Friday, the baton continued to Asian markets.

Vista Brokers analysts note several factors that contributed to the growth in the stock markets: a ceasefire in Ukraine, reduction in interest rates in Sweden and hope for the "Greek problem" to be solved on Monday. In the first place, it is, of course, a ceasefire, as the situation in the Donbass remains a serious geopolitical risk.

The last few days, these factors were the main sources of concern, but yesterday's 17-hour negotiations of the "Norman Quartet" in Minsk ended with the signing of the agreement about ceasefire and exchange of hostages. Greece is still one of the main source of disturbance in the financial markets, but many investors believe that on Monday, at a regular Eurogroup meeting, international creditors will reach an agreement with Athens. Hopes for a successful resolution of conflicts, both military and diplomatic, brought positive sentiment on the stock markets.

So, at the end of Thursday Dow Jones industrial average rose by 0.62%, the S & P 500 by 0.96%, the index of high-tech NASDAQ by 1.18%. European stocks also showed good growth. Stoxx Europe 600 rose by 0.75%, DAX added 1,56%, CAC - 1,00%, FTSE - 0,15%, Athex Composite - 6,73%. Today, Asian markets rose after the European ones. The MSCI index of Asia-Pacific region, excluding Japan rose today by 1.6%.

Positive came to markets not only from Ukraine and Greece, but quite unexpectedly from Sweden, where the central bank has lowered on Thursday its repo rate to a negative value, and launched a program of quantitative easing. Amid this the Swedish krona fell against the dollar by 2%. Analysts state that Sweden joined the countries that have adopted additional measures to stimulate the economy after the ECB had started its QE.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Brent Returned to $60


Last week the Brent crude oil gained 4%, returning to the level of December 2014. Vista Brokers analysts note that the April Brent futures are now trading at $ 60.23 a barrel. March futures on Thursday rose by more than 4% to $ 57.05. WTI crude oil is also rising in price and at the time of writing is trading at $ 51.98 a barrel.

Analysts note that the week was extremely volatile for the oil market, which has been under pressure from the military conflict in Ukraine and economic problems in Greece the same as the other financial markets. These two factors put pressure on markets earlier this week, but after the talks in Minsk, which ended with the ceasefire agreement, the disturbance died down.

Another important factor which has supported oil was the fact that the largest US manufacturer of shale oil Apache Corp announced a significant reduction in the cost of development of new deposits.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Markets Believe in Greek


On Monday morning, the euro rose on expectations that today's Eurogroup meeting will bring a solution of a "Greek problem". Time is running out, because February 28 is the deadline for the current bailout program from creditors: ECB, EU and IMF. Decision must be made, otherwise the default is inevitable.

Vista Brokers analysts say that on the eve Athens has expressed confidence that today the compromise will be reached, while emphasizing that they disagree with austerity measures. Whether creditors will accept a position of Tsipras and whether they will find a way to restructure Greece's debts so that it suites both parties? We will know it tonight when the Eurogroup meeting comes to an end, and euro zone finance ministers will take part in a press conference.

On the eve of the meeting the single currency, which has been drifting between $ 1.1262-1.1534 during past few weeks, increased by 0.2% to $ 1.1411. Whatever decision is taken today by the Eurogroup, the euro will be affected to a large extent. Although if you remember the previous extraordinary session, investors have taken a lead from its results before the press conference.

Positive expectations about Greece have an impact on stock markets. Today in Japan, the market is at the level of 8-year high. The Nikkei added 0.5% and found itself at the highest level since 2007. Recall that US stock indexes have completed the past week with a significant increase: S & P 500 reached a historic high, and Nasdaq - a 15-year peak.

The market pay so much attention to the "Greek question" decision for a good reason. The Greek exit from the euro zone which can happen, if the problem is not resolved, would set a precedent for other countries which also have claims to the "troika" of creditors. Most likely Spain may pick up the baton of Athens. In this country there are also many people dissatisfied with the policy of austerity and a political party like the Greek "SYRIZA" has a chance to come to power.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Market Pulse 16.02


On Monday, the economic calendar is almost empty - all investors' attention will be drawn to Eurogroup meetings, where a decision on Greece can be taken. Recall that during the previous meeting last week, Greek authorities have failed to reach a compromise with international lenders. In the United States today Presidents' Day is celebrated.

10:00 ** Trade Balance - December (euro zone)

Moderate impact on the market (EUR). Trade balance is a difference between the value of exported and imported goods for the month. Growth or exceeded the forecast are favorable for the currency.

14:45 ** ECB Announces Covered Bond Purchase - February (euro zone)

Moderate impact on the market (EUR). Based on this index, investors and market observers conclude on the extent of securities which the European Central Bank buy on its balance sheet.

19:00 ** Eurogroup Press Conference - February (euro zone)

Moderate impact on the market (EUR). Press conference may disclose any details of the talks, though their results, market participants are likely to be known before.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Euro Ignored Positive Statistics


On Friday, the EUR/USD has traded in a narrow price range of 20 points, and even the positive statistics could not get it out of balance. Vista Brokers analysts note that the data on GDP changes for the 4th quarter in European countries, mainly, were stronger than expected. The euro zone economy grew by 0.3% mom and by 0.9% yoy vs. 0.2% and 0.8%, respectively. The German GDP showed an increase by 0.7% mom and 1.6% yoy, which also exceeded forecasts. More than expected data were released in Italy and Portugal.

Recall that Spain has released its GDP report two weeks ago, showing quarterly growth of 0.7%, which is the best value for the last seven years. The Dutch economy grew by 0.5% qoq.

In contrast to the EUR/USD, European stock markets have reacted to the positive statistics. The German DAX index for the first time exceeded the level of 11, the Stoxx Europe 600 index rose by 0.60%. Local indexes in France and Greece have also increased, although in Q4 GDP of these countries has slowed.

Analysts note that the single currency on Friday was under pressure ahead of the meeting of the Eurogroup, which will be held today. Market participants are worried about Greece, where on February 28 the program of financial aid will complete and the government of Alexis Tsipras refuses to renew it. The new terms of cooperation for international creditors and Greece can be taken at today's meeting of eurozone finance ministers.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Weak Japanese GDP Weighed on Oil


On Monday, oil drops again after a short growth the day before. Analysts Vista Brokers note that the April futures price today fell by 0.31% to $ 61.33 per barrel. March futures price for WTI fell by 0.21% to $ 52.67 per barrel.

Experts point out that weak preliminary data on the GDP of Japan, which came in the night from Sunday to Monday put a pressure on the oil. Thus, in the fourth quarter, Japan's economy grew by 0.6% qoq vs. 0.9%. GDP annualized grew by 2.2%, but the market was expecting a more significant growth - by 3.7%. Nominal gross domestic product also showed growth below the forecast. Slowdown in the Japanese economy, which is a major exporter of petroleum products, brought pessimism to the oil market.

Recall that last week the "black gold" suddenly rose above $ 60 a barrel after signs of a possible slowdown in production volumes, including the reduction of oil supplies from Libya. In addition, the American company Baker Hughes announced the reduction of the number of rigs in the USA to a minimum since 2011.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Talks on Greece Deadlocked


On Monday, EUR/USD went back above 1.14 amid positive expectations about a Eurogroup meeting and a possibility of a "Greek problem" decision. Vista Brokers analysts note that the single currency was also supported by the Bundesbank monthly report, which was full of positive regarding the German economy. In particular, the Bank pointed out that it "understands" the reasons for the revision of forecasts for economic growth in Germany upward, because at the end of 2014 it has "dramatically increased."

On the eve of the meeting of eurozone finance ministers stock markets rose. World stock index MSCI has increased to a maximum of 22 September amid talks on Greece and peace deal in Ukraine. Japan's Nikkei was close to the mark in July 2007, S & P 500 has reached a record level on Friday. Recall that US markets yesterday did not work due to the celebration of President's Day.

After the Eurogroup meetings market sentiment changed in the opposite. Agreement on Greece has not been reached, and therefore after 10 days the country will be left without assistance from international lenders. Head of the Eurogroup Jeroen Deysselblum said that euro zone finance ministers were disappointed with the position of Greece, for which the best option now would be an extension of aid programs, as well as structural reforms that it provides. Deysselblum said that Athens must submit a request for an extension no later than Friday. Probably, this day another meeting of the Eurogroup will be held.

Amid investors' disappointing EUR/USD has dropped from 1.1390 to 1.1330, where the pair received support.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Market Pulse 17.02


On Tuesday, the German ZEW institute will publish several important indices in Germany and the euro area as a whole. A portion of interesting statistics will be released in the UK. The whole day is rather saturated with news. Today the meeting of European finance ministers is also held.

9:30 *** Consumer Price Index - January (UK)
9:30 ** Core CPI - January (UK)
9:30 ** Retail Price Index - January (UK)
9:30 ** Producer Price Index Input - January (UK)
9:30 ** Producer Price Index Output- January (UK)
9:30 ** Producer Price Index Output Core - January (UK)

Strong impact on the market (GPB). The most important indicator in this list is the consumer price index, and its value can have a strong impact on the pound. Analysts expect that inflation in the UK in January has slowed by 0.9%.

10:00 *** ZEW Economic Sentiment - February (Germany)
10:00 ** ZEW Survey (Current Situation) - February (Germany)
10:00 ** ZEW Economic Sentiment - February (euro zone)

Strong impact on the market (EUR). Analysts' expectations regarding to ZEW indices is very optimistic. After the eurozone and some individual member states in the 4th quarter of 2014 showed GDP growth exceeded forecasts, strong ZEW index may favorably affect the single currency. However, it is worth noting that the situation in Greece is now much more likely to affect the euro.

13:30 ** Empire State Manufacturing Index - February (USA)

Moderate impact on the market (USD). The indicator is based on a survey of manufacturers from the district of the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. Values above 0 reflects the increase in activity. In January, the index was at 9.95.

15:00 ** NAHB Housing Market Index - February (USA)

Moderate impact on the market (USD). Index, measured by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), reflecting the confidence of developers in the housing market. In February, the growth of the rate is expected.

17:15 *** SNB Chairman Thomas Jordan Speaks - February (Switzerland)

Strong impact on the market (CHF). Jordan's statements in which investors will be looking for hints on the future strategy of the central bank of Switzerland, can have a significant impact on the Swiss franc.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Hope for Greece Gave Way to Disappointment


Tuesday morning stock markets fall amid unsuccessful negotiations on Greece at yesterday's Eurogroup's meetings. Market participants hoped that as a result of these talks at least some preliminary agreements will be achieved, but it has not happened. So, again, we have uncertainty and fear that Greece will refuse to pay debts and come out of the eurozone.

Vista Brokers analysts note that Asian stock indexes Nikkei and MSCI's broadest index of Asia-Pacific shares outside Japan today have lost by 0.1%. European indices are expect to show a significant reduction. The euro fell against the dollar to $ 1.1322, compared with Monday's $ 1.14295.

At the Eurogroup meeting Greece provided a "rough" version of solving the debt problem, which ministers of finance rejected and called unacceptable. This option involves the creation of a temporary assistance program for 4-6 months in order to (as Greek Finance Minister Janis Varufakis said) achieve "meaningful, sustainable and long-term agreement between Greece, Europe and the IMF."

In turn, the Eurogroup tried to convince Athens that the most appropriate option in the current situation will be the program of financial assistance continuation and providing structural reforms that it implies. These reforms are a stumbling block, as one of the "Syriza" and Alexis Tsipras campaign promises was the Greek refusal of austerity measures prescribed by the "troika" of creditors (ECB, EU and IMF).

By the way, the head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, during a press conference said that the provision of funds to Greece is only possible if the country complies with all prescriptions. That is, if Athens refuse to carry out unpleasant reforms, it will get no more money from the IMF.

Head of the Eurogroup Jeroen Deysselblum said that euro zone finance ministers were disappointed with the position of Greece. He said that Athens must submit a request for an extension no later than Friday. Probably, this day will be held another meeting of the Eurogroup.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Aussie Rose Slightly vs US Dollar


On Tuesday, AUD/USD broke the mark of 0.7800 for the first time in the last five days. As Vista Brokers analysts say, factors of support for the Australian dollar have become quite neutral protocols of RBA meetings, as well as the overall US dollar decline.

Recall that at the last meeting the RBA has unexpectedly lowered interest rates, so that market participants expect that the protocols will be very "soft" and searched there for hints on further measures to stimulate the economy. However, the minutes showed neutral mood. It was noted that the recent decline in the Australian dollar is favorable for economic growth of Australia, and that an even lower rate may even lead to a temporary increase in inflation.

With regard to the reduction of the dollar, the DXY index has fallen on Tuesday from 94.34 to 94.29, supporting greenback's competitors. Resistance for AUD / USD can be 0.7800 or 0.7830 levels and support - 0.7720 or 0.7690.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Market Pulse 18.02


Wednesday is extremely rich in important information. In Japan, the central bank will announce an interest rate decision and hold a traditional press conference. In the UK the data on the labor market and the minutes of the last Bank of England meeting will be published. Also interesting statistics will be released in the United States. The day will end with a FOMC meeting minutes publication.

6:30 *** BOJ Press Conference - February (Japan)
*** Overnight Call Rate - February (Japan)
*** Annual Rise in Monetary Base - February (Japan)
*** Monetary Policy Statement - February (Japan)

Strong impact on the market (JPY). The Bank of Japan does not tell the time of decisions on overnight call rate, rise in monetary base and monetary policy statement publication. This information can greatly affect the yen, as will give an idea about the future strategy of the Japanese regulator.

9:30 *** Claimant Count Change - January (UK)
9:30 ** Claimant Count Rate - January (UK)
9:30 ** Unemployment Rate - January (UK)
9:30 ** Average Earnings Index - January (UK)
9:30 ** Employment Change - January (UK)

Strong impact on the market (GPB). Labor market is one of the main landmarks for the central bank, so these indicators are influential. The most important indicator of this series is claimant count change, and forecasts for it are rather optimistic.

9:30 *** MPC Meeting Minutes - February (UK)
9:30 *** MPC Official Bank Rate Votes - February (UK)
9:30 *** MPC Asset Purchase Facility Votes - February (UK)

Strong impact on the market (GPB). At the previous meeting the Bank of England has left interest rates and the amount of the asset repurchase the same, confirming its attitude to the tightening of monetary policy over time. Market participants can learn from the minutes more about the mood of the Committee.

13:30 *** Building Permits - January (USA)
13:30 ** Housing Starts - January (USA)
13:30 *** Producer Price Index - January (USA)
13:30 ** Core PPI - January (USA)

Strong impact on the market (USD). The number of permits and housing starts reflect the health of the housing market and the economy as a whole. Analysts expect growth in permits, but reducing of new foundations. As for the producer price index, expectations are not too optimistic.

14:15 ** Capacity Utilization Rate- January (USA)
14:15 ** Industrial Production - January (USA)

Moderate impact on the market (USD). The level of capacity utilization allows us to estimate how much free capacity is in the economy, or whether it is "overheated". Note that the index came close to the mark of 80%, which is considered dangerous for the development of inflationary pressures.

19:00 *** FOMC Meeting Minutes - January (USA)

Strong impact on the market (USD). Minutes of the Federal Reserve meeting allows to more fully understand the reasoning of the committee during the meeting, as well as help market players to understand the next steps the Fed.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Fate of Greece Can be Decided on Friday


On Tuesday, the euro was able to regain ground lost after yesterday's Eurogroup meeting, where no decision on Greece was made. Reaching a daily low at 1.1336, EUR / USD turned and moved up. Among supporting factors Vista Brokers analysts call investors' hopes that the "Greek problem" will be solved on Friday, as well as positive data on ZEW indices.

In Germany, the ZEW economic sentiment index grew weaker than forecast, but strong enough compared with January, and the ZEW survey index (current situation) showed an increase to 45.5 vs. 30.0. In the euro zone economic sentiment index rose to 52.7, while analysts were expecting the growth to 51.3.

As for Greece, the new round of talks will be held on Friday, February 20th, and this day is also the deadline, in which Athens can apply for an extension of the bailout program. Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras called the conditions under which international lenders have put his country, a blackmail, since financial aid is impossible without reforms, including austerity measures. Yesterday at a press conference after the Eurogroup meeting the IMF chief Christine Lagarde has once again reminded: without reforms Greece will not get the money.

Despite the tense rhetoric of parties, market participants remain optimistic and believe that on Friday Athens will possibly come to some agreement with the creditors. In any case, all the negotiators insist that Greece will remain in the eurozone.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: BoJ Left its Monetary Policy Unchanged


On Tuesday, USD/JPY has returned to the level of 119 amid the US Treasury yields growth and weak statistics on Japan. The pair showed growth for the first time in the last four trading sessions. Vista Brokers analysts note that the dollar rally against the yen was also caused by investors' confidence that the Fed will raise interest rates much sooner than the Bank of Japan.

Today, market participants were expected the results of the Bank of Japan meeting, where the regulator announced the decision on interest rates and the increase in the monetary base, as well as they were expected for BoJ comments on monetary policy and a press conference. Predictably there was no any surprises - the Japanese regulator has left its monetary policy unchanged. The Bank of Japan has confirmed its continued focus on economy stimulating, keeping rates at a minimum level of 0.10% and the asset purchase program at a record - 80 trillion yen.

Recall that on the night of Sunday to Monday were published data on the GDP of Japan, showed growth in the 4th quarter. Actual data were worse than expected, and it has put pressure on the yen, but on the second thought, the annual GDP growth of 2.2% is a good result, considering that in the previous quarter, the economy has slowed down by 2.3%. However, analysts were expecting an even more impressive performance – 3.7% growth.

Preliminary data on changes in GDP (quarterly) and nominal gross domestic product were also worse than expected. Judging by the latest macroeconomic data, Japan will have to overcome many more obstacles to return to sustained economic growth and indicators of previous years. So that tightening of monetary policy in the near future just is not expected.

Related comment BOJ was quite neutral, but analysts see improved mood compared to the previous month. Thus, the regulator said that the economy is recovering at a moderate pace and recalled the inflation target of 2%, which the country plans to achieve in the next financial year. "Industrial output is picking up," the BOJ said. That was a brighter view than last month, when it said output was "bottoming out."


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Vista Brokers: Aussie Remains within Narrow Price Range


On Wednesday, the Australian dollar was trading at 0.7823 against the US dollar compared to 0.7799 on Tuesday evening. As Vista Brokers analysts say, the AUD/USD “swing” within a narrow price range continues.

Recently, an economic activity in Australia shows clear signs of slowing down. So, at the end of last week the disappointing data on unemployment was published, which in January rose by 0.3% immediately. The number of employed in the first month of the year decreased by 12.2 thousand, which is also much worse than expected. On the eve Greg Gibbs, a currency RBS strategist in Singapore noted that the rating of Australia may be revised and given the growing economic instability, the country can hardly expect to maintain AAA rating.

Australia's central bank insists that the low rate of the Australian dollar is useful for the economy.


Master Trader
Dec 29, 2014
Market Pulse 19.02


After an intensive Wednesday, on Thursday the economic calendar looks quite empty, but during the US trading session we expect some several important publications. In particular, the weekly data on unemployment claims in the US will be released, as well as the Philly Fed manufacturing index.

9:00 ** ECB Monetary Policy Meeting Accounts - January (euro zone)

Moderate impact on the market (EUR). The report may contain some hints on future ECB's strategy, so the market pays attention to it.

11:00 ** CBI Industrial Order - February (UK)

Moderate impact on the market (GPB). The index of industrial orders from the British Confederation of Industrialists is a leading indicator of economic health. Its growth is favorable for the currency, and in February, analysts expect positive values.

13:30 *** Unemployment Claims - February (USA)
13:30 ** Continuing Claims - February (USA)

Strong impact on the market (USD). In recent years, this indicator has gained great influence, as it is one of the benchmarks for the monetary policy of the Fed. Analysts expect moderate values for the reporting week, however, the statistics may surprise us.

15:00 ** Flash Consumer Confidence - February (euro zone)

Moderate impact on the market (EUR). The indicator is still at a low level, but in February a slight increase is expected, which may have a positive impact on the single currency.

15:00 *** Philly Fed Manufacturing Index - February (USA)

Strong impact on the market (USD). The index is based on a survey of manufacturing companies in the region. Values greater than zero reflect an improvement in business conditions and the forecast for February is very positive, so that the publication could support the dollar.