Broker - Deriv Holdings (Guernsey) Limited
Server- Deriv-Demo
Mt5 id -23009377
Password - Essien2578
The position size can't calculate lotsize for synthetics indices instruments like: step index and volatility index.
Unlike forex where the minimum lotsize is 0.01 synthetics indices has many different minimum lotsize and spread works different.
I hope maybe you guys can look into it. Sent my demo account for testing
Server- Deriv-Demo
Mt5 id -23009377
Password - Essien2578
The position size can't calculate lotsize for synthetics indices instruments like: step index and volatility index.
Unlike forex where the minimum lotsize is 0.01 synthetics indices has many different minimum lotsize and spread works different.
I hope maybe you guys can look into it. Sent my demo account for testing