Great view !
Nigel - Whats the stats for your trade ? Entry , Original Stop and current position as a % return ? Sorry for the personal question !
I have used your method and the FUKC monthly report (I went for the engulfing candle on the monthly and the 45p daily interest (per £1)) to go long AUDCHF - currently up 135 PIPs on an original 30 PIP stop - Plus 11 days interest at 45p in the £1 a day - These trades with high interest are amazing and well worth looking at that FUKC monthly report.
Thanks again for the method and the monthly report assuming you contribute to it.
Hi myknees,
This the exact reason im changing brokers!!
Glad to hear your expoilting this benefit.
If you don't mind me asking, who do you use as your broker? is it GKFX?