Stock price is an indicator of a company's market value, but the price of a share of stock will also depend on the number of shares outstanding. The reason why certain stocks are priced so high is usually due to the company having never or rarely having completed a stock split.
There are many ways to evaluate a stock in addition to its absolute share price. Here, we take a look at some of the largest companies in the U.S. and abroad.
- Companies are typically valued by their total market capitalization on a stock exchange, or number of shares outstanding times the share price.
- Still, many investors are interested in the most pricey shares available on an exchange, which can indicate exclusivity.
- Companies can also be ranked by revenue and profitability.
Top Companies by Stock Price
The most expensive publicly traded share of all time is Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A), which was trading at $458,675 per share, as of January 2022. Berkshire hit an all-time high on Jan. 18, 2022, at $487,255. Thanks to spectacular shareholder gains and the idiosyncrasies of its founder, this share value is unlikely to be matched by anything other than continued gains in Berkshire’s share price.
Top Companies by Market Cap
By market capitalization, as of January 2022, Apple (AAPL) is the biggest company at $2.652 trillion, followed by Microsoft (MSFT) at $2.222 trillion, Google (GOOGL) at $1.725 trillion, Amazon.com (AMZN) at $1.446 trillion, Tesla (TSLA) at $947.92 billion, and Meta (FB), formerly Facebook, at $843.34 billion.
Back in 2007, Chinese energy giant PetroChina (PTR) reached an estimated market value of around $1 trillion. However, this valuation didn't stick. As of January 2022, PTR's market capitalization stood at just $146.95 billion.
The Bottom Line
On a pure market value measure, Apple has often been considered the most valuable, publicly traded company of all time. Although Microsoft did briefly hit the $2 trillion market cap mark in June 2021. It is certainly possible another company’s market cap will exceed these measures, and maybe—though less likely—another company will surpass Berkshire Hathaway as the highest priced single stock share.
The most expensive publicly traded share of all time is Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A), which was trading at $458,675 per share, as of January 2022. Berkshire hit an all-time high on Jan. 18, 2022, at $487,255. Thanks to spectacular shareholder gains and the idiosyncrasies of its founder, this share value is unlikely to be matched by anything other than continued gains in Berkshire’s share price.

Top Companies by Market Cap
By market capitalization, as of January 2022, Apple (AAPL) is the biggest company at $2.652 trillion, followed by Microsoft (MSFT) at $2.222 trillion, Google (GOOGL) at $1.725 trillion, Amazon.com (AMZN) at $1.446 trillion, Tesla (TSLA) at $947.92 billion, and Meta (FB), formerly Facebook, at $843.34 billion.

Back in 2007, Chinese energy giant PetroChina (PTR) reached an estimated market value of around $1 trillion. However, this valuation didn't stick. As of January 2022, PTR's market capitalization stood at just $146.95 billion.
The Bottom Line
On a pure market value measure, Apple has often been considered the most valuable, publicly traded company of all time. Although Microsoft did briefly hit the $2 trillion market cap mark in June 2021. It is certainly possible another company’s market cap will exceed these measures, and maybe—though less likely—another company will surpass Berkshire Hathaway as the highest priced single stock share.

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