Do you mean saveable to templates? I can add those, but the problem with making too many variables saveable to templates is that it may be counterproductive to users who prefer the template to carry the indicator but not such parameters as the commission size or order commentary.
I can see that point but think the positives will outweigh the negatives, most people will probably have some default commission and typ of basic commentary they would prefer. For the people who does not it will not bring as much negative change compared to the positives it would bring to the people who would prefer it Im thinking.
Btw, curious if have you considered thees suggestions any further?
"One feature that would be nice is to have a line showing where price would have to go to break even on the current position size set up you have, including commission.
The option to show more lines of where price would have to go for 2x the risk or 3x could be nice too.
The pending/ instant button is super useful to get the entry price line onto the screen so that you can then move it with the mouse.
I use it every time I switch markets and it would be very nice if the stop loss line would act similarly so that it moved to lets say the current ask price.
That way you could set up the trade without using the keyboard at all super fast and easy.
Just some ideas/suggestions for future developments, thanks for all your effort into this "indicator"!