Price has moved down nicely as hoped and we should now be all somewhere between 40 and 60 pips profit, depending on your entry price.
What happens now? Well of course, nobody knows - maybe the pair will continue south and in doing so continue to rack up our profits. Or perhaps a piece of data or a sideways fart from Draghi or something will put a fly in the ointment. We can never tell.
It is not always easy to accept that we don't have a clue what is going to happen or that we can't influence the outcome in any way. We are always taught that we can have some impact on future events with which we are concerned - be it positive through hard work, knowledge, experience or whatever, or negative through laziness or incompetence.
Not so with trading. Some people find it hard to accept, others never accept it. But we cannot predict or control or influence future prices. I don't want to harp on too much about gambling, but there is a clear similarity with playing poker. Is poker a game of chance or a game of skill? Well clearly there is an element of chance, because the player does not know what cards they are going to be dealt. The skill comes in how he
plays the hand he is dealt. Can he read other players, can he spot weaknesses, can confuse others as to his intentions? Can he bluff, can he force others to fold when they shouldn't, does he extract the maximum pain out of his opponents when his hand is strong? The best poker players do all of the above, and being able to do so is incontrovertibly a skill.
Same with trading - we do not know what hand the market is going to deal us. It is our deftness and skill with dealing with what the market throws at us that separates the sharks from the fish - to borrow some poker phraseology. With the trade in hand, EUR/AUD - the market may well break back above the trendline and take us out. It shouldn't matter a damn if it does. It's how we deal with it that matters.
For me, right now, if this happens my losses will be nil, a big fat goose-egg. For others, they might have had a few attempts - maybe they have 50 pips or even 100 pips realised losses. The reason why I didn't make those attempts is not because I am an awesome trader who had some divine gift of prediction that kept me away from the market - it was because I happened to be in bed nursing a hangover from a hard weekend. Next time I will be making the failed attempts and you will be missing them for whatever reason. Swings and roundabouts
The single focus should be not only what the market is doing, but what WE are doing. How WE are interacting with it, if WE are giving ourselves the best opportunity to exploit opportunities where possible and eliminate risk where necessary.