I have now moved my stop to BE on the EURUSD.
Nice one Stuart - as I said, thats the hard work done.
Take a second now to reflect about your risk position:
- Downside Risk - you could lose a small about amount of floating profit if price makes it back up to your entry and knocks you out. But overall, you will be no worse off than you were this time yesterday
- Upside Potential - going into an ECB meeting tomorrow (assuming the trade doesn't get knocked out before then) you have a free position in the market. What if Draghi announces something that triggers a sell-off?
ENORMOUS upside potential. Could Draghi say something that triggers a spike to the upside? Of course he could, but that's not the point. It is the fact that you have put yourself in a position that you will either win big, or lose very small.
If we continually and repeatedly, day in, day out, manage to engineer ourselves into positions where the odds are skewed largely in our favour, as long as we have the patience to wait for the those odds to work out, we cannot help but reap the rewards that our hard work deserves.
I don't bet in bookies or casinos or anything anymore, because I understand that the odds are against me. But if I could engineer a situation with a bookie that limited my risk to such a small degree, but maintained the possibility of big big reward, I would be in the bookies all day long taking advantage of it. Sure that's what the bookies and casino do to their punters! Why are casinos in Vegas open 24/7? Because they all love working nightshifts? Not at all - they are having the patience to allow the odds work in their favour.
Or in business - what do insurance companies do? They engineer themselves an edge and exploit it, by betting that nasty things won't happen very often, and if they do, they will have collected enough premiums to take the hit and still have a profit left afterwards.
Venture capitalists? limit the downside on the small losers that don't work out and then run the winners. A couple of big winners will pay for all the small losers - a couple of Facebooks or Googles will pay for a
LOT of small losers, and still have profit left afterwards.
We are just doing the same thing on a very micro scale in the markets.
Hope this makes some sense