Try to learn how to move between offense and defense.
If the market is behaving in accordance with our expectations, we can attack, and get as much out of the market as possible. This is not just about greed, we have a responsibility to exploit every opportunity to the full. Not taking advantage when the market is going our way is every bit as damaging to our performance as trying to force trades out of a market that isn't playing ball with us.
If the market starts to behave in a way that is contrary to our expectations (in this case establishing a foothold above our trendline), we have to quickly move into defensive mode. Our focus is no longer on exploiting the opportunity, it is limiting the potential damage caused by a market moving against us.
Once we can learn to do this, it doesn't matter whether we are right or wrong. Once we are asking ourselves these questions, should I be attacking or should I be defending in this market, it quickly becomes second nature - we do it without even thinking.